How many times do you work yourself into a tizzy because of what you consider cruel, thoughtless treatment to you by others? I'm not talking about physical or sexual abuse here. I'm talking about unkind, deliberate words or actions to demean and hurt your senses. Well, do you know that you can diminish and eliminate the hurt you feel and your reaction to it?
First of all, sit back (or stand back if that's what you're doing at the time) and just observe your reaction. The proverbial slap in the face, the breath taken away, the quickened heartbeat, nausea, the impulse to strike back ... and so on. Don't resist or attempt to change that reaction. No physical action necessary, however. Calmly and quietly watch the reaction come and go.
I am doing that right this moment as we speak because of discovering a hurtful situation a few moments ago. Okay, I'm observing my reaction.
We are not to call the perpetrating thoughts our own thoughts, because they aren't. They belong to the one or ones who generated the injury to your feelings. Those original words, deeds, or thoughts don't have any power whatsoever, they are just trying to enforce power over you.
So, number one, be aware of your reaction and then watch it come and go, for it will go, it will. Takes practice.
This had been very useful to me and most certainly builds inner strength. It gives you the ability to take command and full responsibility for your reactions to whatever is said to, against, or happens to you. Whatever slight and hurt you feel, whether it comes from family or friends or coworkers or strangers ... you are in control of what you do with your reaction. So, be calm, let it dissipate, whatever it is. Realize that it isn't part of you. Your reaction and action is you, yes, but that you can control ... you can watch it come in one window and go out the other. And if it revisits, watch it again ... in one window out the other.
I'm working on it right now. lol lol It's doing its job ... I'm smiling.
I have a wonderful book that I refer to for help with many life situations and spiritual thinking ... THE POWER OF YOUR SUPERMIND. I've given copies to many of my friends over the years. It really is my Bible. And the above teaching is from that book.
We're asked, "What commands you?" And the book says "You are commanded by anything above your own psychic level." That's why a person on a lower psychic level (look up psychic levels) has trouble and problems with both self and other people. Conflicts are above him, out of reach of handling ... he joins them, creates them, is in the throes of them, wreaking havoc in the lives around him.
We're also asked and are told, "What can you command? You are in command of everything that is below your own psychic level. If you are above cruelty in yourself, you cannot be commanded by the cruelty of others."
WOW! Isn't that terrific?
"If your level is higher than hysteria, you are immune to the mass hysteria of mankind, expressing itself in fighting and deceit."
I mean to tell you, think about this. Where do you see yourself?
AND if you practice the steps above ... sit back and watch it come and go ... "your mind can control everything in your life because of its supreme power to react correctly to everything."
Okay, I feel better already. At least when it comes to my reaction.
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